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Transforming the public administration into competence, knowledge, innovation, attitude, result and value: this is the role that Enap has assumed since its foundation in 1986.

The School was born with the promise of transforming the culture and the mental model of each public agent and the mission of developing their capacity in order to innovate, achieve results and serve the society.

For more than 30 years, Enap has played a relevant role for innovating the culture of public administration and accelerating the transformation in learning, organizational, digital, social and economic management.


Enap numbers in 2023

1,3 millions

issued certificates


partnerships with
international institutions


E-learning courses

3 millions



How to be a partner?

Enap is a center for dissemination and promotion of discussions on the frontier themes of knowledge related to public policy and public management. To this end, it develops national and international cooperation projects, which have a strong connection with the innovation world and the scientific community, working mainly in networks and partnerships.

The School receives foreign professors and guests from different parts of the globe to a variety of activities: tailored courses, workshops, seminars and research development. We also offer scholarship programs, fellowships, internships, secondments, postgraduate and master's degrees for civil servants.

If you want to be a partner of Enap, please do not hesitate in contacting our international department. Please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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